legal name Brandon Alexander Schmidt

nicknames B, Barchen, Beast, Bran, Brando, Feo, Katze

occupation Detective (1st grade) Gang Unit | 1 Police Plaza

age & birthdate 37 | 04.04.1980

astrological information Sun in Aries, Moon in Scorpio Taurus Ascendant.

hometown Rutland City, VT

current residence Tarrytown, NY

orientation heterosexual


religious affiliation
Catholic (non-practicing)

political affiliation Democrat (registered)

educational background Mount Saint Joseph High School, Rutland City, VT.
CUNY John Jay College - Criminal Justice - New York, NY.
NYPD Academy - College Point, Queens, NY.

family Colin Schmidt (70. B. 10.01.1947 father. Retired aerospace engineer. GE Aircraft)
Greta Schmidt (67. B. 03.06.1950 nee Krause. Mother. Retired music teacher. Volunteer with Vermont's symphony orchestra)
Claire Roeder (43. B. 09.15.1974 nee Schmidt. Elder sister, Baltimore defense attorney.)
Alice Roeder (8. B. 03.03.2009 niece.)
Annabelle Roeder (3. B. 11.28.2014 niece.)
Elliot Schmidt (40. B. 07.20.1977 Elder brother, general thoracic surgeon.)
Sarah Schmidt (29. B. 08.24.1988 Younger sister, biochemist. Thermo Fisher Scientific.)
Katharine Schmidt (29. B. 08.24.1988 Younger sister, adjunct professor of Geology. Middlebury College.)
Alexandria Schmidt (niece, B. 08.08.16)
Children Wolfgang August Rojas-Schmidt. (B. 05.13.18)
pets Cash & Luna, Demona & Schmo, Cash is a failed police dog of 7 years. Luna is a recent addition at 7 months. Demona and Schmo are German forest ferals of 2 years.
distinguishing marks Tattoos. 1. Left Shoulder. 2.below left armpit 3.Left inner bicep. 4. Left deltoid, partially disfigured. 5. Right bicep

Scars. 1. Right pectoral scar from gunshot entry and surgical removal. 2. Gunshot entry and exit wound on left hip just below kidney. 3. Bullet graze on right arm, covered by tattoo. 4. Left deltoid laceration. 5. Two upward arrows at the bottom of left side of ribs. 6. 'N' on left ring finger.